Page 131 - Impact: Collected Essays on the Threat of Economic Inequality
P. 131
imPaCt Center for PubliC interest laW adVisory CounCil
The Advisory Council of the Impact Center for Public Interest Law is composed of leading public interest law practitioners and public officials who support and help guide the work of the Impact Center and who, in turn, draw upon the resources and expertise of the Impact Center to further their work. Advisory Council members come from a wide range of nonprofit public interest organizations and public-sector and private-practice settings; a number of the members are alumni of New York Law School. The members work with the Impact Center in a variety of capacities—including collaborative advocacy, experiential learning and pro bono opportunities for students, continuing legal education, and conferences and other events.
Gladys Carrión
Commissioner, New York City Administration for Children’s Services
Juan Cartagena
President and General Counsel, LatinoJustice PRLDEF
steven Choi
Executive Director, New York Immigration Coalition
hon. fern fisher
Deputy Administrative Judge of the New York State Courts
emily Jane Goodman
New York State Supreme Court Justice (Retired)
J. Gerald hebert
Executive Director and Director of Litigation, Campaign Legal Center
matthew Klein
Executive Director, Center for Economic Opportunity
richard levy
Jenner & Block
donna lieberman
Executive Director, New York Civil Liberties Union
hon. rita mella
Surrogate, New York County
Johanna miller
Advocacy Director, New York Civil Liberties Union
mark o’brien
Executive Director, Pro Bono Net
James o’neal
Co-Founder and Executive Director, Legal Outreach
dennis Parker
Director, ACLU Racial Justice Program
raun rasmussen
Executive Director, Legal Services NYC
nicholas turner
President and Director, Vera Institute of Justice
Vincent Warren
Executive Director, Center for Constitutional Rights