Page 89 - Impact: Collected Essays on the Threat of Economic Inequality
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unnecessary in-person visits to the provider, and abortion bans prior to viability .60 The abortion access crisis in the states requires a bold response, and the Women’s Health Protection Act is a crucial step toward protecting and respecting a woman’s personal decision-making, no matter her address or economic status .
Additionally, policymakers at the state and federal level can restore full coverage for abortion no matter where a woman gets her insurance . By removing bans on public insurance coverage for abortion and repealing state bans on coverage in private plans, abortion will be rightfully recognized as an essential part of reproductive health care for all women, of all incomes .
The ideological agenda driving restrictions on women’s access to abortion, contraception, and other critical reproductive health care services is taking its highest toll on low-income people . Women, their families, and society all suffer when these medically-unnecessary and politically- motivated abortion restrictions impede women’s ability to access their constitutionally-protected reproductive rights . The ongoing erosion of reproductive rights cannot be halted and reversed without also addressing the barriers faced by low-income women to parenting and providing for their families . The legal promise of reproductive rights can be fully realized only when the economic barriers that currently prevent women from freely choosing the course of their reproductive lives are removed . •
60 Id.
Reproductive Rights and Women’s Equality

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