Page 13 - NYLS Magazine • 2014 • Vol. 33, No. 2
P. 13

iMPortaNt MiLeStoNeS
In this time of transition, the Law School is also observing several important milestones. The Center for New York City Law began its 20th year of hosting its CityLaw Breakfast this fall when it hosted Carl Weisbrod, Chair of the New York City Planning Commission. The inaugural class of the new Two-Year J.D. Honors Program is beginning in January. And, of course, a host of plans are under way to celebrate the Law School’s 125th anniversary in 2016, which will also be an occasion to celebrate the many goals of the Strategic Plan that have been achieved.
Dean Crowell said, “The support of the NYLS community— trustees, alumni, faculty, students, and staff—has been nothing short of amazing. I am so grateful for the efforts of so many in accomplishing so much. I look forward to our continued progress in implementing the changes that will take us where we need to go.”
More information about the Strategic Plan Progress and Outcomes for 2014, including NYLS’s ever-growing milestones, is available, along with the Strategic Plan, at •
STraTEgIC PrioritieS Scorecard
This scorecard depicts the progress made in completing our strategic priorities, which were identified as action items in support of the strategic goals. Some priorities require continuous effort; therefore, they are not expected to be “completed” but rather will remain an ongoing activity.
iNteLLectuaL Life
committing New York Law School’s resources to support the faculty’s scholarly priorities.
Identifying and recommending opportunities for faculty to develop scholarship to advance societal goals in collaboration with the private, public, and nonprofit sectors in New York city and beyond.
Increasing student participation in research and scholarship to enhance student learning and intellectual growth.
Ensuring that there is adequate mentoring and other resources to help junior faculty realize their goals.
promoting the expertise of the faculty in their respective fields to the media and scholarly conferences that will most benefit faculty members and the Law School.
Supporting faculty who wish to engage in the use of social media to reach mass audiences and have direct and immediate impact.
Developing proposals to take advantage of unique funding opportunities for faculty scholarship provided by foundations, individuals, corporations, nonprofits, and government.
aCademiC exCeLLeNCe aNd iNNOVatiON
ensuring that the Law School’s students, faculty, and staff reflect the diversity and excellence that are New York city’s greatest strengths.
Understanding and responding to the market forces that will shape and be influenced by the legal profession in the next five to 10 years.
helping all students—part-time and full-time—achieve their aspirations by focusing on core competencies they must possess to succeed, including fostering a culture of professionalism and intellectual curiosity from day one.
Making bar passage a top priority for students through engagement and partnership with the faculty and administration.
rationalizing our curriculum through assessment, refinement, and new investment to align our academic programs with the needs of the market.
recruiting new full- and part-time (adjunct) professors whose areas of expertise match the needs of the market and the institution.
evaluating every center, institute, and program to enhance the student experience and ensure connections to project-based, clinical, and other experiential learning opportunities, and pro bono service.
Strengthening experiential education by implementing 13 new clinics, including a clinical third-year, and providing opportunities for professional development and work experience.
Developing new degree and certificate programs in areas where more specialized legal education can be critical to success and will help differentiate the Law School in the market.
Setting and assessing student performance outcomes to ensure that teaching methods and programs are responsive to the learning goals and needs of students.
Strengthening connections among alumni and the NYLS community as a whole.
Offering all students and alumni strategic connections to public interest, government, and other organizations for pro bono opportunities. assisting students, full-time and part-time, in the fulfillment of their pro bono requirement.
creating new strategic partnerships to elevate the status of the Law School and generate new financial support.
expanding our continuing Legal education and executive education programming to provide lifelong learning opportunities to our graduates and others in the government, private-sector, and nonprofit arenas.
coMMuNitY eNgageMeNt
Being highly sensitive to the costs of legal education and making every effort to stabilize tuition and expand the availability of meaningful scholarships to the student body.
Fostering institution building by developing well-informed, short- and long-term financial plans; using sophisticated data and econometrics, and predictive models; and focusing on disciplined and strategic investment.*
continuing rigorous, timely, and accurate compliance with accreditation standards and other requirements affecting operations.
Scaling operations to meet changing demands while ensuring quality of service.
ensuring that metrics, and a commitment to transparency and accountability, are infused into every aspect of the Law School’s staffing, planning, programs, operations, and communications.
creating new scorecards to report on key activities in support of our goals so that the NYLS community can monitor performance progress.
promoting a culture of professionalism; ensuring awareness of the goals, mission, and objectives of the Law School; and fostering a continuous engagement in the operational and academic institutional goals—among staff and administration alike.
requiring from every student, from day one, engagement and partnership with the Law School’s faculty, administration, other students and student groups, and the alumni community.
ensuring that our admissions, academic affairs, career planning, alumni relations, and pro Bono Initiatives offices work closely together to provide the right guidance and programming for day, evening, accelerated division, and graduate students, to develop their personal academic, career, and bar pass plans.
Forging alliances with trustees, other alumni and friends, adjunct faculty, and employers to ensure that our students and graduates have access to critical networks of firms, businesses, government agencies, nonprofits, and bar associations and other professional organizations, to create a reliable pipeline of job opportunities in traditional and nontraditional roles for J.D.s.
expanding career development programs and launching new initiatives to ensure that students and alumni develop and display leadership
and professionalism, and have the most advanced knowledge, skills, and mentoring needed to compete for and benefit from desirable externships, and summer and permanent employment opportunities.
career SucceSS
*Our short- and long-term financial plans did not rely on econometric or predictive models.

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