Page 32 - NYLS Magazine • 2015 • Vol. 34, No. 1
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Stanford law & Policy Review (with Alison Lynch’13, M.A. ’15) (September 2014).
Media References and Appearances
Some Prosecutors Said to Unfairly Target Those With Mental Illness, PsychiatryOnline (December 2014).
Presentation, “Capitalism and Risk,” at “Symposium on Opportunities for Law’s Intellectual History,” the Baldy Center for
Law and Social Policy, Law School of the State University of New York, Buffalo, New York (October 2014).
Presented a paper, “Dream Team or Nightmare?:
The History and Ethics
of Celebrity Criminal Defense Attorneys,” at the Criminal Justice Ethics Shmooze, co-sponsored by the Center for Professional Values and Practice,
and held at Fordham University School of Law, New York ( June 2014).
Her review of The Trial of Li Zhuang: Chinese Lawyers’ Collective Action Against Populism was published in Jotwell ( June 2014).
Media References and Appearances
Fixing Law Schools: Are More Types of Degrees the Answer?, JD Supra ( June 2014).
Media References and Appearances
Mayor’s Counsel Opens the Wallet, Crain’s New York Business (October 2014).
In Shift, New York City Is Quickly Settling Big Civil-Rights Lawsuits, The New York Times ( July 2014).
New York City Soda Fight, in Court, Tests Agency’s Power, The New York Times ( June 2014).
Emerging Bitcoin Derivatives Offer Choice to Merchants and Institutional Investors, Lawbitrage (November 2014).
Why Cryptoequity
May Not Be Securities, Lawbitrage (November 2014).
Regulating Bitcoin and Block Chain Derivatives, Written Statement to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (October 2014).
Presented at the Cryptoledgers workshop sponsored by the Berkman Center for Internet
& Society at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (November 2014).
Edward A. Purcell Jr.
Paradoxes of Court- Centered Legal History: Some Values of Historical Understanding for a Practical Legal Education, 64 Journal of Legal Education 229 (2014).
From the Particular
to the General: Three Federal Rules and the Jurisprudence of the Rehnquist and Roberts Courts, 162 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1731 (2014).
Democracy, the Constitution, and Legal Positivism in America: Lessons From a Winding and Troubled History, 66 Florida Law Review 1457 (2014).
Panel Moderator, “The First Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism,” at “Conference: Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism,” New York Law School (November 2014).
Presented a paper at a Boston University School of Law faculty workshop: “Apostasy or Not? One Iraqi Court Judgment,” Boston, Massachusetts (March 2015).
Joined in a roundtable discussion advising Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Peru’s Minister of Environment, on his role in overseeing the next round of climate negotiations (December 2014).
American Voters Deserve Credit for Civil-Rights Victories, Too?, National Journal ( July 2014).
One Small Step (Cough) for Clean Air, The Hill ( June 2014).
Media References and Appearances
Appointed Tyrants:
A Review of Is Administrative Law Unlawful? The Claremont Institute (November 2014).
Interview on Environmental Issues, Sound Cloud ( June 2014).
What are Smart Contracts, and What Can We do with Them?, Coin Center (December 2014).
30 New York Law schooL magaziNe • 2015 • VOL. 34, NO. 1
Sadiq Reza
Joined a committee to plan the 2016 International Legal Ethics Conference. She will represent New York Law School, which will be a co-sponsor of the event (October 2014).
Presented a paper, “Stratification: Two
Tiers of Law Schools
in Historical Context,”
at both the Society of American Law Teachers’ conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, and at a faculty workshop at Pace Law School, White Plains, New York (October 2014).
Patent Litigation, 90 Washington Law Review (forthcoming 2015).
The History of Patenting Genetic Material, 49 Annual Review of Genetics (forthcoming 2015) (with Henry T. Greely).
Law, History and Lessons in the CRISPR Patent Conflict, 33 Nature Biotechnology 256 (2015).
Letter, Contrasting Perspectives on the Price of Medicines, N.Y. Times, at A20 ( January 2015).
David S. Schoenbrod
Jacob S. Sherkow
Rebecca Roiphe
Ross Sandler
Houman B. Shadab