Page 16 - NYLS Magazine • 2014 • Vol. 33, No. 1
P. 16


he new program is a natural outgrowth
Professor Phillips was in his mid-30s when 

IS AN ACQUIRED of the Law School’s existing curriculum, he enrolled at NYLS. He had studied at the 
Professor Phillips said. He began to teach
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London 
as an adjunct at NYLS in 2009 and was and was an actor on “All My Children”
RESIDE IN PEOPLE impressed by how many of the courses at the time he began his legal education.

already focused on ADR: the program
But attending NYLS proved to be a 
was already there, he said, with the notable transformative experience, he said, and his 

hat’s a point that Adjunct Professor F. Peter exception of a course on negotiation.
interests “very abruptly changed.” He let the 
Phillips ’87 stresses frequently, whether world of soap opera and devoted his energies 
ADR is “a very sexy ield,” he said. “A lot
addressing students in his Negotiation: of students are drawn to it.” His goals for to the law.
heory and Practice class or a boardroom 
developing the Skills Program were twofold, 
full of distinguished lawyers who form the he said: to have a program suiciently Ater graduating, he joined the litigation 
department of Cahill Gordon & Reindel, 
Advisory Committee of New York Law distinct from those at other law schools and 
School’s new Alternative Dispute Resolution to set it up without having to raise money. later moving to Schulte Roth & Zabel. 
Ater 11 years as a litigator Professor 
(ADR) Skills Program.
He wanted the “oferings to be experiential 
within the meaning of clinics.”
Phillips became increasingly uncomfortable 
Professor Phillips is the Director of the new that traditional litigation was adding

Program, announced in November 2013, He talked to Professors Lawrence Grosberg value to his clients. He jumped at the 
which emphasizes practical experience. he and Stephen Ellmann about his idea
opportunity to work for the International 

Program begins with introductory courses for the Program, and they were both Institute for Conlict Prevention and 
focusing on ADR generally, and the speciic “extraordinarily open and excited about it.” Resolution (CPR Institute), a think tank 

skills involved in negotiation, mediation, Dean Anthony W. Crowell and Associate where law irm and corporate lawyers study 
and arbitration. Students then choose from Dean Deborah N. Archer were also very ways to obtain better client outcomes

a selection of electives, which ofer doctrinal enthusiastic about the Program, he said.
to disputes and to decrease costs of the 
and clinical opportunities in a variety of dispute resolution process. For example, 
here is also a community-oriented aspect 
areas, ranging from the Dispute Resolution he said, in a dispute between a franchisor 
Team to a mediation clinic to an externship to the ADR Skills Program, which aspires and a franchisee, the goal should be “to 

placement in an ADR-related organization. to NYLS hosting ADR-related speakers and improve the relationship between the
Students who complete the program will conferences. “he name of the game is to get two and maximize their economic results 

receive a Certiicate in Alternative Dispute word out in the street,” he said, adding that, rather than designate one side or the other 
from an alumni point of view, there are lots the ‘winner.’” He now works through his

of opportunities.

14 NEw YoRk Law ScHooL magazINE • 2014 • VOL. 33, NO. 1

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