Page 32 - NYLSStrategicPLanProgressAndOutcomes
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STraTeGIc PLan ProGreSS and oUTcoMeS
NYLS operates eficiently to increase affordability for students and to provide the
nYlS community a lifetime of rewarding programs and services.
TUITIon and fInancIaL aId
Stabilized tuition, with no increase, for academic years 2013-14 and 2014-15, the third straight year with the
same rate of tuition.
doubled the rate of student scholarships as a percentage of tuition over the past two years.
n established more than a dozen new donor-funded scholarships to increase the amount of inancial aid
available for second-career students, particularly those with government and public interest experience.
n revamped inancial aid counseling and support to each student in a manner tailored to their needs.
guaranteed a room to admitted students in the NYLS residence hall, an affordable, safe, and convenient
housing option for those who need it.
n established a four-year inancial plan with speciic targets and contingencies for changing enrollment
n realized cost savings throughout the operational and administrative departments by reducing expenses
by 28 percent over the past two years while maintaining the highest quality academic and administrative
services. in 2014, 75 percent of nYlS lSSSe survey respondents reported that they were satisied or very
satisied with the school’s support services, an increase of 10 percentage points compared to 2012.
oPeraTIonaL effIcIencY and TranSParencY
Implemented numerous NYLS Operational Review recommendations geared toward improving
administrative eficiencies, largely through converting manual processes to electronic methods, with an eye
toward improving service to students, faculty, alumni, and others.the Operational Review, conducted in fall
2012, was a comprehensive examination of the law School’s operations—top to bottom and end to end—to
ensure that the highest quality service was being delivered in the most eficient and cost-effective manner.
the effort resulted in more than 300 recommendations, 94 of which were identiied as priority initiatives.
many of these are under way, some are already implemented, and all are part of a comprehensive work
plan for continuous operational improvements. the Operational Review Report and Recommendations is
available on the nYlS website.
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