Page 34 - NYLSStrategicPLanProgressAndOutcomes
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neW York laW School
September 2013
nYLS announces Two-Year
honors Program
New York Law School
announces that, beginning in
January 2015, it will offer a
two-year J.d. honors program.
Candidates for admission will
be expected to have completed
at least two to three years
of meaningful professional
work experience and/or
possess unique academic
credentials. Because it is an
honors program, admission will New York Law School has
automatically come with at least
a $50,000 merit scholarship for undertaken many substantial
the 24-month program, for all
enrolled students. new York law efforts and initiatives in the
School is the irst in the nation
to introduce a two-year J.d. past year in furtherance of
honors program. the law School the goals of the Strategic
will guarantee postgraduate
fellowships to all two-year honor Plan. We are pleased to
students through partnerships
with irms, companies, nonproit include this timeline, which
organizations, and government
agencies. dean crowell is provides some highlights
interviewed about the program
on New York Public radio and of the key milestones since
Bloomberg law.
august 2013.
august 2013
Two nYLS Professors win
Dean Crowell announces that
Professor richard k. Sherwin
and Professor Stephen J.
ellmann have been named
September 2013
Fulbright recipients. Professor
nYLS Launches new web Site
Sherwin, who has received the
New York Law School launches honor to work on a new project
its new website and receives called “The moving Images of
great feedback on the website’s Law,” is serving as the fulbright
look, ease of use, and mobile- visiting research Chair in Law
friendly design. Some of the new and Literature at the Institute for
the Public Life of Arts and Ideas
features include a searchable at mcgill University in montreal,
class catalog, an institutional Quebec, canada, in the 2013-
events calendar, a redesigned
newsroom (including a social 14 academic year. Professor
media directory and toolkit), and ellmann has received a fulbright
a faculty news page.
Specialist Award to work on
comparative constitutional law
and clinical legal education
planning this past summer at
the University of Capetown
Faculty of law in South africa.
Professor Professor
richard k. Stephen J.
I32 • neW York laW School