Page 36 - NYLSStrategicPLanProgressAndOutcomes
P. 36
october 2013
Jethro k. Lieberman named november 2013
Martin Professor of Law
Dean Crowell appoints Professor nYLS announces adr Skills
Jethro k. lieberman as the Program
martin Professor law. the Dean Crowell announces
a new Alternative Dispute
professorship was created in december 2013
memory of Lester martin, a resolution (adr) Skills Program
noted philanthropist. now in
distinguished by its emphasis on nYLS creates new ofice of
his 29th year on the faculty, practical experience. Students diversity and Inclusion
Professor Lieberman has
who complete the program will The creation of the Ofice
served in many of the Law receive a Certiicate in Dispute of Diversity and Inclusion
School’s central academic and resolution Skills. developed
administrative roles, including with the realities of modern is announced along with
American lawyering in mind,
the appointment of the
associate dean for academic Law School’s irst Chief
affairs, director of the Writing the curriculum will emphasize diversity oficer. nYlS begins
Program, and vice president
skills and actual experience in developing a comprehensive
and now director of academic negotiating, drafting, mediating, diversity plan, which includes
publishing. he has published and arbitrating deals and recruitment, retention, and
more than 25 books; his conlicts ethically. Students
support programs, as well
Liberalism Undressed (2012) will be exposed to theories
as strategies to aid student
was praised in the New York of interest-based negotiation
Law Journal as a “masterwork, and its alternatives, and given professional development
opportunities to practice their and intercultural competence.
a brilliant, provocative and NYLS also begins developing
mature product of decades of skills. the program will also
new outreach programs and
thought about some of the most offer services to the legal and enhancing existing initiatives
fundamental issues of our time business community of the New for groups who have been
or any time.”
York City region, through CLe historically underrepresented in
and other training programs
the profession, and others.
at the Law School as well as
customized programs delivered
onsite for companies, irms, and
agencies. nYlS will serve as a
resource center and a convening
facility for lectures and special
Professor events for deal negotiators and
Jethro k. conlict managers.
november 2013
december 2013
november 2013
nYLS honors Three charter approved for charter
Groundbreakers at Gala 2013
high School for Law and nYLS Bar Pass rate rebounds
Social Justice
Several measures introduced
The Law School honors three The New York State Board of
distinguished alumni with the in spring 2013 to ensure that
groundbreaker Award at its regents approves the charter New York Law School graduates
annual gala. dean crowell school application for the improve their irst-time bar
presents the award to The Starr Charter high School for Law and pass rate have met with great
Foundation, led by maurice r. Social Justice. the School is the success. in just one year, the
greenberg ’50 and guided by result of a unique partnership NYLS irst-time bar pass rate
its president, Florence a. davis; Professor richard marsico has increased by 13.6 points to
developed with the College of 83.4 percent for the July 2013
Freddi Weintraub ’88, a partner mount St. vincent to operate
exam. these measures include
at fragomen, Del rey, Bernsen in the southern Bronx. its
and loewy, llP; and Jeffrey
the New York Law in National
d. knowles ’75, a partner at mission is to provide students Perspective course and the
venable. heobserves,“our from underserved communities Jump Start and Boot Camp
honorees have had very different with a high-quality education programs. Quoted in the New
career paths, yet all of them focused on creating pathways York Law Journal, Dean Crowell
have distinguished themselves to college, graduate school, and says that NYLS graduates “went
careers in the legal profession. in to the bar prep period feeling
by using the education they Students will be exposed to a more conident and having less
received at New York Law School rigorous curriculum that uses
as a foundation on which to build law and social justice issues to of a learning curve. We’re very
a great career.” the event, held pleased, and it’s a terriic step
at Three Sixty in TriBeCa, raises help them develop the crucial in the right direction.” in this
roughly $1 million.
skills of critical thinking and highly competitive job market,
analysis, literacy, and effective passing the bar on the irst try
is extremely important, and
NYLS will continue to offer
these resources; they will put
NYLS graduates on track toward
meeting and exceeding the irst- from left to right: dean
time bar pass rate of 94 percent, anthony w. crowell, Maurice
which NYLS achieved just a few r. Greenberg ’50, florence a.
years ago, in 2008.
davis, freddi weintraub ’88, and Jeffrey d. knowles ’75.
Professor richard Marsico
I3I4I • neW York laW School