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february 2014

Launch of ‘nYLS faculty 
Insights’ video Series
March 2014
The Law School launches a March 2014
video series offering expert ‘national Jurist’ ranks nYLS 
insights by faculty members. as a Top School for Practical national Law Journal readers 
The irst two videos feature Training
rank nYLS Tax LL.M. Program 
robert Blecker on the topic “Is New York Law School is Second in the nation
Punishment Dead in America?” 
and David Schoenbrod arguing recognized by The National The Best of the National Law 
that “The Clean Air Act Needs
Jurist as one of the best schools Journal, a supplement reporting 
in the nation for practical training on reader rankings, lists New 
a reboot.” the videos are in the march 2014 issue. the York law School’s tax ll.m. 
produced by alumnus Lee law School is one of 15 that program as no. 2 in the nation. 
Pacchia ’06—formerly a Webtv receive an A- and is in the top nearly 6,500 readers cast votes 
host, producer, and legal analyst half of the 84 law schools that in 94 categories, including 
for Bloomberg law—and his are honored.
education. last fall, readers
production company, mimesis 
Productions. more videos will of the New York Law Journal 
be posted to the faculty News ranked the tax ll.m. program 
page of the NYLS website, as no. 1 in new York in the Best 
Banking/ Bankruptcy/tax ll.m. 
they become available.
category for the fourth year in 
a row.

March 2014
april 2014

Launch of the nYLS women’s nYLS holds first annual 
Scholarship Beneit dinner
The Law School hosts “give 
the nYlS Women’s network is 
launched at a breakfast event, the gift of education,” its irst 
with noted television anchor, March 2014
annual scholarship beneit 
legal analyst, and trial attorney dinner, at the odeon. the 
rikki klieman as the keynote ‘U.S. news’ recognizes nYLS event raises approximately 
speaker. her topic is “a lawyer’s in Three categories
$400,000. Proceeds support 
Journey.” also in attendance
general scholarships at New 
New York Law School is among York law School. marc lasry 
is her husband, New York City the top 30 schools (no. 30) ’84, chairman, chief executive 
Police commissioner William J. nationally to be ranked for Oficer, and Co-founder of 
Bratton. the goal of the nYlS Clinical Training by U.S. News
Women’s network is to foster & World Report. The magazine Avenue Capital group, is
professional development and also ranks NYLS among the top the host of the event. also 
leadership among our women presenting remarks are Dean 
alumni, students, faculty, and law schools for Part-time Law Crowell, Board Chairman Arthur 
staff. in support of this goal, the Programs and gives the Law abbey ’59, and erik lane 2l, 
School high marks on the Law editor in Chief of the Law 
Network offers programming School diversity index.
Review for 2014-15.
designed to foster personal
and professional growth and to 
provide opportunities for NYLS 
women to meet, learn, share 
their experiences, and network.

from left to right: nYLS Board 
chairman arthur abbey ’59, 
Marc Lasry ’84, and dean 
anthony w. crowell

from left to right: dean anthony 
w. crowell, rikki klieman, and 
nYc Police commissioner 
william J. Bratton

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