Page 37 - NYLSStrategicPLanProgressAndOutcomes
P. 37
december 2013
february 2014
Safe Passage Project nYLS hosts newYork city
recognized by american January 2014
Borough Presidents
Immigration Lawyers’
nYLS honors nelson Mandela
The Center for New York City
The Law School hosts an event law, dean anthony W. crowell,
The American Immigration celebrating the remarkable
and Professor ross Sandler
lawyers’ association (aila) life of Nelson mandela, who honor New York City’s ive
selects Professor Lenni Benson Borough Presidents (four of
and the Safe Passage Project died on december 5, 2013. whom are newly elected) in a
as the Fall 2013 Pro Bono Paying tribute to mandela
panel discussion on borough
as lawyer, revolutionary, and
heroes of the Northeast region, statesman are Professor priorities. Borough Presidents
which includes nominations Stephen ellmann, Co-Chair of eric adams (Brooklyn), gale
from Connecticut, maine,
the South africa reading group; Brewer (manhattan), ruben
New hampshire, New Jersey, Penelope Andrews, Dean and diaz Jr. (Bronx), James oddo
New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, President of albany law School; ’91 (Staten island), and deputy
rhode island, and vermont.
Borough President Leroy
each quarter, AILA recognizes hlonipha mokoena, Associate comrie (Queens) participate at
individuals and organizations Professor of Anthropology at the panel, moderated by errol
from across the country that columbia university; george louis of nY1. they discuss the
monyemangene, South African
embody the ethical responsibility consul general; and Franklin Borough President Ofices’
to provide pro bono service Thomas, President of the ford relationship with community
through promoting and Foundation from 1979 to 1996.
boards and other levels of
contributing to pro bono work, government, the Uniform
taking on complex pro bono Land Use review Procedure,
cases, or handling a signiicant the importance of civic
number of pro bono cases or pro engagement, and many other
bono hours.
issues facing the ive boroughs
of new York city.
nelson Mandela
Photo Credit: South Africa - The Good
News /
from left to right: James oddo
’91, Leroy comrie, Gale Brewer,
ruben diaz Jr., eric adams, and Professor Lenni Benson
errol Louis
January 2014
January 2014
nYLS hosts voting rights
Litigation Training Session
Two recent Grads in forbes
The NYLS racial Justice Project 30 Under 30 for Law
february 2014
hosts the American Constitution nYLS recognized for diversity
Forbes, a prominent business
Society and the Campaign Legal magazine, names Amie Hispanic Outlook Magazine
Center as they present a half- Stepanovich ’10 and trevor names New York Law School
day training session for voting timm ’11 to this year’s 30 to its list of top 25 law Schools
rights lawyers in the wake of under 30 list. Stepanovich is with majority/minority hispanic
the Supreme Court’s highly senior policy counsel at Access, enrollment and its list of Top
controversial Shelby County an international human rights
decision, which struck down key organization. Forbes features 25 law Schools granting most
provisions of the voting rights her as an “expert on drone degrees to hispanics.
act. the session is taught by
surveillance, cybersecurity
some of the most respected and national security who has
voting rights practitioners in
testiied before Congress on
the country: Juan Cartagena, the need for privacy protections
President and general Counsel for domestic drone use.”
of latinoJustice PrldeF; ryan Timm is executive director
haygood, Director, Political of the freedom of the Press
Participation group, NAACP Foundation. Forbes describes
legal defense & educational
him as “ubiquitous in battle
Fund, inc.; J. gerald hebert, against NSA spying and
executive Director, Campaign Obama administration’s war on
legal center; myrna Perez, whistleblowers.”
Deputy Director, Democracy
Program, Brennan Center
for Justice; ezra rosenberg,
Partner, dechert llP; and Paul
m. Smith, Partner, Jenner &
Block llP.
amie Trevor
Stepanovich ’10
Timm ’11
Strategic Plan ProgreSS and outcomeS • 3Iv5