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P. 35
September 2013
nYLS Symposium
october 2013
commemorates dr. king’s
‘I have a dream’ Speech
dean crowell named to
NYLS hosts a symposium ‘People to watch in higher october 2013
commemorating the 50th education’ by crain’s
anniversary of dr. martin
Dean Crowell is selected by credit Suisse to hire nYLS
Students for Its General
luther king, Jr.’s “i have a Crain’s New York Business as counsel academy
Dream” speech and the march one of its “People to Watch
financial services company
on Washington. Sponsored by in higher education.” he is
the racial Justice Project, the the only law school dean to
Credit Suisse announces that it
Justice Action Center, and the be named to the list. Crain’s is in the process of hiring NYLS
Law Review, the event features says, “Anthony Crowell was 2l and 3l evening students to
leaders of the civil rights appointed New York Law School join the Credit Suisse general
movement—including clarence president and dean a little
Counsel Academy, an internship
more than a year ago, and he’s program where students
Jones, dr. king’s advisor and work part-time (paid), rotating
speechwriter—as well as already making waves. amid the throughout various divisions
prominent civil and human rights growing debate about whether a of the bank’s general Counsel
attorneys and legal scholars. law school should be cut to two
associate dean deborah n. years from three,.mr. crowell and compliance ofice. the
Archer presents the opening began allowing some third-year announcement is made at the
remarks, and panelists relect on students to earn credits working New York Law School Law
the impact dr. king’s speech and in the ield this fall. Some of that Review Alumni Network’s
the march had on the civil rights work will be in city government, second annual fall reception, in
the credit Suisse building at 11
movement; examine civil rights an area familiar to mr. crowell, madison avenue. nearly 100
enforcement in the federal who previously served as alumni, current Law review
courts; and discuss the legacy counselor to mayor michael
of these events today and for Bloomberg.”
students, and Credit Suisse
the future.
employees attend the event, at
which Dean Crowell and alumna
(and credit Suisse attorney) erin
(eland) miner ’08 give remarks.
october 2013
appointment of ann f. Thomas october 2013
as otto distinguished
Professor ofTax Law
‘from Law School to Practice’ September 2013
at the 2013 otto l. Walter tax event focuses on Legal hiring
former Mayor dinkins
Policy Lecture, Dean Crowell Interviewed by dean crowell
oficially appoints Professor
NYLS hosts “from Law School and ross Sandler
ann F. thomas as the inaugural to Practice: Finding Your Way
The Center for New York City
otto l. Walter distinguished in a Changing Landscape,”
Law hosts former New York City
Professor of tax law. the a conversation with leading
endowed chair was funded by
practitioners on changing mayor David Dinkins at a City
a generous donation from the dynamics within the business
law Breakfast. Following an
otto and Fran Walter Foundation of law, sector trends up and introduction by Leonard riggio,
inc. otto l. Walter ’54 was a down, who’s getting hired today, executive Chairman of Barnes
and why. lee Pacchia ’06 of and Noble, Dean Crowell and
renowned international jurist, ross Sandler, founding Director
specializing in u.S.-german
Bloomberg Law moderates
of the Center, jointly interview
tax treaties. Professor thomas a panel consisting of Aurora mayor Dinkins about his recently
has been a tenured professor Cassirer, Partner and executive
since 2001 and the director
Committee member, Troutman published book, A Mayor’s Life:
of the graduate Tax Program Sanders; Jay grushkin, Senior Governing New York’s Gorgeous
since 2003. dean crowell finance Partner, milbank, Tweed, Mosaic. Among several topics
speaks about the life and work hadley & mccloy; William discussed is the “Safe Streets,
of dr. Walter and Professor rochelle, editor at Large, Safe City” crime reduction
program he implemented when
thomas; Frank g. helman, the Bloomberg news; and Peter he served as mayor in 1990-93.
foundation’s President, offers Sacripanti, Co-Chair, mcDermott
remarks about dr. Walter; and Will & emery.
Professor Thomas gives a talk
on “Tax reform and Shared From
Professor ann f. Thomas
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