Page 40 - NYLSStrategicPLanProgressAndOutcomes
P. 40
June 2014
July 2014
Three faculty Members are Two noted IP Professors Join
appointed full Professors the full-Time faculty
of Law
New York Law School welcomes
melynda h. Barnhart, kirk
Jacob S. Sherkow and ari
July 2014
d. Burkhalter, and daniel a. ezra Waldman as associate
Warshawsky are each appointed Professors and members of
Lunches for Graduates Taking
a full Professor of Law with a the intellectual Property faculty. the newYork Bar exam
long-term contract. Professor Both professors will enable
for the second year in a row,
Dean Crowell, Dean Archer, and
Barnhart teaches Legal Practice New York Law School to take
other members of the NYLS
i & ii, immigration law, refugee full advantage of its proximity
and Asylum Law, and Crimes to the city’s high-tech corridors. administration, faculty, and staff
and immigration. Professor Professor Sherkow concentrates offer free lunches to all recent
Burkhalter, a NYLS alumnus
on biotechnology and the law graduates taking the New York
and formerly a detective in
with an emphasis on patent law bar exam at the Javits Center,
the New York City Police and agency regulation. Professor where obtaining lunch is dificult
Department, teaches Legal Waldman serves as director of and distracting, along with sides
Practice, New York Law in NYLS’s Institute for Information of encouragement, inspiration,
and motivation. the popular bar
National Perspective, and Law and Policy, pursuing the
consolidated legal analysis. work he began there while an lunch program is fully funded
Professor Warshawsky, a 15- adjunct. he focuses on the law with the generous support
year veteran of the Ofice of
and sociology of Internet life, of the Law School’s alumni
the appellate defender (oad), with particular emphasis on
teaches Criminal Procedure: the inequalities and injustices
investigation, legal Practice i & that arise in unregulated digital
ii, and evidence.
dean crowell greets graduates
at the bar exam lunch.
from left to right: Professors
Melynda h. Barnhart, kirk
Professor Professor
d. Burkhalter, and daniel a. Jacob S. ari ezra
august 2014
June 2014
Launch of the Impact center
nYLS Is Major Participant for Public Interest Law
at oxford Seminar on Good The formation of the Impact
Governance in International Center for Public Interest Law
July 2014
at New York Law School is
New York Law School is well- announced. co-directed by
represented at the Third Annual USPTo Selects newYork Law Associate Dean Deborah Archer
Seminar on Advancing good School to Participate in Patent and Professor richard marsico,
governance in International Pilot Program
the new Center will aggregate
the u.S. Patent and trademark the many extraordinary NYLS
Development, held at Oxford initiatives, spearheading
University and sponsored
ofice (uSPto) selects new public interest work, under
by camfed (campaign for York Law School to join the
Female education), oxford, and Patent portion of its Law School one umbrella. distinguished
linklaters. dean crowell attends Clinic Certiication Pilot Program Adjunct Professor Andrew
the event, titled “The Changing this fall. the Program enables Scherer will serve as Policy
Paradigm: Is it Leading to a law students to practice patent director. the impact center
more empowered Citizenry?” law before the USPTO under the will create robust opportunities
Professors Tamara Belinfanti
guidance of an approved faculty to connect students to public
interest practice and engage
and Stacy-Ann elvy present a clinic supervisor. the selection students and faculty in the
master Class, “rwanda and committees choose law schools work of the wide-ranging
New governance: A Case to participate in the program
Study,” focusing on rwanda‘s based on their solid IP curricula, public interest community. it
successful anti-corruption pro bono services to the public, will also be involved in larger
measures. Professor houman and community networking and policy discussion and analysis
Shadab participates in a panel outreach. nineteen law schools by hosting conferences and
discussion, “fraud-free Aid will join the Program this fall. publishing white papers and
2014—closing the loop on They join the 28 law schools reports.
Citizens’ expectations,” focusing currently participating in the
on the feasibility of creating a Program.
feedback network for clients of
the development sector.
associate dean Professor
We continue to update our milestones on the web with new efforts, events,
deborah richard
and initiatives every month. Please visit the timeline at
3v8II • neW York laW School