Page 22 - NYLS Strategic Plan Progress and Outcomes • 2015
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STraTeGIc PLan ProGreSS and oUTcoMeS
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neW York laW School
NYLS supports its expert and innovative faculty in the development and promotion of scholarship and pedagogy.
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n The NYLS faculty joins academic and professional accomplishment with a commitment to educational excellence. in the past year, our faculty authored more than 50 scholarly publications, including books, chapters, and law review articles as well as dozens of contributions to newspapers, professional journals, and social media. a detailed compendium of individual faculty publications during the 2014-15 academic year is available online at nYlS is committed to assisting new faculty to develop as scholars and teachers and to maintaining the highest levels of achievement and leadership for all faculty in their respective fields of expertise.
n In addition to scholarly contributions, NYLS faculty members, a dynamic group of teachers with extensive professional and public policy accomplishments, were frequently called upon to participate in public and policy dialogue on a wide range of topics. collectively, nYlS faculty sat on 74 panels, and delivered 90 presentations, 46 speeches, 13 keynote speeches, and 15 guest lectures. Faculty members also participated in workshops and debates, provided expert testimony, submitted amicus briefs, were cited in official rulings and publications, and were quoted in news articles and interviews.
n The NYLS “faculty Insights” video series was expanded to provide content and expertise on new topics such as a post-ferguson examination of the grand Jury System; the United States Supreme Court’s recent same-sex marriage opinion; Bitcoin regulation; and career development for 1l students. the videos are available on the nYlS website and Youtube.
n To improve access to the research, scholarship and intellectual product of the entire NYLS community, the Law School introduced a new digital archive and online repository called digital commons. Along with preserving that material, the repository will provide a permanent home to a growing collection of material documenting the school’s institutional history, and robust access to publications including faculty scholarship, the New York Law School Law Review, student newsletters, yearbooks, alumni magazines, and photos. Visit the site at
2014-2015 ProGreSS UPdaTe