Page 28 - NYLS Strategic Plan Progress and Outcomes • 2015
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n Under the direction of Professor Lenni b. benson, the Safe Passage Project continued its vital work representing immigrant children, including being a leading partner in the NYC City Council Speaker’s initiative to provide legal representation to the high numbers of undocumented children coming into the united States. the project has received recognition from the corporation for national Service in the form of a Justice americorps Grant, as well as a grant from the new York State office of court administration. This support furthers the Safe Passage mission of providing representation in immigration proceedings for unaccompanied children and is aided by the efforts of more than 500 volunteer attorneys and dozens of nYlS students.
n in spring 2015, dean anthony w. crowell and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student engagement william P. LaPiana were appointed to the new York State ethics review commission, tasked with reviewing and evaluating the activities and performance of the state’s two ethics commissions, and identifying opportunities to strengthen the administration and enforcement of ethics laws in new York State.
n many NYLS-sponsored events welcomed distinguished members of the judiciary, including chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, n.Y. court of appeals, participating in a forum on the right to counsel in eviction proceedings; associate Judge Jenny rivera, n.Y. court of appeals, participating in a symposium on economic inequality; hon. Loretta Preska, chief Judge, u.S. district court, SdnY, participating in a federalist Society event; and hon. Pamela chen, u.S. district Judge, ednY, participating in a symposium on human trafficking. u.S. immigration Judge virna wright and housing Court Judge Sabrina kraus also participated in nYlS events.
n in 2014, nYlS participated in various community-support efforts including a Street Law Initiative which involved teaming up with middle School 22 in the bronx, the children’s aid Society in harlem (through the hope Leadership academy), and major law firms to offer law students the opportunity to introduce middle and high school students to their constitutional rights. as a result of this effort, and others like it, nYlS was named to the President’s higher education community Service honor roll for General community Service, the highest honor a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service- learning, and civic engagement. it was the second consecutive year that nYlS received the award.
In support of the recently enacted requirement that applicants to the NY State bar complete at least 50 hours of pro bono work, NYLS has developed a comprehensive program to assist students in meeting the requirement, including a dedicated career counselor, detailed student guidance presented during 1l orientation to emphasize the importance of getting started early, introducing the students to leaders of organizations seeking pro bono participation, and continuous guidance and training, including an ‘opportunities guide’ listing organizations who are qualified to accept pro bono volunteers.
As part of the Pro Bono Scholars (PbS) program, members of NYLS’s inaugural class sat for the February Bar, and thereafter devoted their last semester of study to include more than 500 hours of pro bono service with a variety of legal services providers.
Three of the NYLS Pro Bono Scholars, along with another nYlS 2015 graduate, were selected to be Poverty Justice Solutions fellows, an effort initiated by New York State chief Judge Jonathan Lippman to help low-income New Yorkers preserve their housing and prevent homelessness. the Fellows and their respective placements are: catherine barreda (PBS), legal Services nYc (Queens); katherine davies (PBS), lenox hill neighborhood house; khushbu Patel (PBS), nY legal assistance group; and devi Patel, Sanctuary for Families. nYlS graduates represent four of the 20 Fellows overall.
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