Page 29 - NYLS Strategic Plan Progress and Outcomes • 2015
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STraTeGIc PLan ProGreSS and oUTcoMeS
nYlS operates efficiently to increase affordability for students and to provide the nYlS community a lifetime of rewarding programs and services.
TUITIon and fInancIaL SUPPorT
n continued efforts to stabilize tuition, with no increase for the 2014-15 academic year. in furtherance of this critical goal, nYlS will maintain the tuition rate for the incoming 2015-16 year, which will represent the fourth year at the same tuition.
n Significantly expanded the pool of available funds for need and merit-based scholarships. two new need- based scholarships were recently introduced, the Innovation and Law Technology Scholarship and the Business leaders Scholarship.
n continued to operate pursuant to an established financial plan with specific targets and contingencies for changing enrollment and other conditions.
n reduced operating expenses by more than 30 percent since 2013, while maintaining the highest quality academic and administrative services.
n Completed a campus consolidation effort resulting in all NYLS faculty, staff, and administrative departments being located under a single roof. the consolidation makes it easier for students to access key departments, such as admissions and financial aid, to confer with faculty for one-on-one guidance and instruction, and to engage with academic centers and co-curricular activities such as law review. it also creates greater opportunity for collaboration amongst students, faculty and staff, while reducing operating costs substantially with no reduction in services. as part of this effort, nYlS co-located the marketing and Communications team and the Institutional Advancement team to provide for a more streamlined approach to planning and coordinating alumni and development outreach and events.
2014-2015 ProGreSS UPdaTe
Strategic Plan ProgreSS and outcomeS
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